Incorporating Botox into Your Regular Beauty Routine

There’s a reason Botox® is the first choice in nonsurgical cosmetic procedures and has been on a steady rise in popularity for years — it works. Medical advances have made it safer, more effective, and more reliable with more natural results than ever.

If that sounds like a win-win-win-win proposition you can’t ignore, come see Dr. Raymund J. Llaurado to find out how he helps patients throughout the central coast of California make Botox a regular and vital part of their everyday beauty routines. 

Above all, Dr. Llaurado is committed to your health and safety. As a board-certified reconstructive and facial plastic surgeon, he brings both expertise and experience to every patient, every appointment, every treatment plan. If you’re interested in what Botox can do for you, here are a few things Dr. Llaurado would like you to know.

What you need to know about your skin

You’ve lived with your skin your whole life, so you might think you know it well. But do you know why it’s starting to sag and wrinkle? If you say age, you’re only half right.

Aging definitely has an impact on your skin, but it’s not just about the passing of time. Various internal and external factors play a role in your skin’s appearance.

On the outside

The environment is harsh on your skin. Exposure to the sun (especially those UV rays) and wind can damage your cells and dehydrate your skin. Just like a soft piece of leather that’s left out in the elements, your skin begins to crack, wrinkle, pucker, and dry out.

Gravity also does a number on your skin, constantly tugging it downward and slowly pulling it lower into droops and sags.

On the inside

When you’re young, your skin is full of two essential ingredients that make it soft and supple: collagen and elastin. These proteins plump up your skin and help it return to its original shape and state after you smile or frown. But as you age, you lose collagen and elastin and your body slows down its production of them — double trouble.

Without these proteins in and under your skin, each smile or frown tends to leave a line behind. Without the layer of fat and collagen, your skin becomes lax, like a deflated balloon that appears shriveled. 

What you need to know about Botox

Botox eliminates one of the major problems with aging skin — constant creasing. The main ingredient is a toxin that would be dangerous in large doses, but in the right amount and in the right hands it can address several cosmetic and medical conditions.

Dr. Llaurado expertly injects the serum just under the surface of your skin, targeting the small muscles that crease your face when you make various expressions. Our patients trust Dr. Llaurado’s gentle touch and praise his ability to achieve natural, realistic results.

He also uses Xeomin®, a product similar to Botox, for those looking for the same results as Botox without any additional additives. This purer form may mean that your body can’t build up an immunity to the toxin, leading to more effective results.

Why stop at Botox?

While Botox and Xeomin address one aspect of your aging skin, we also offer other treatments to complement their effects. 

Dermal fillers, such as Radiesse®, Juvéderm®, and Restylane®, use serums like hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxylapatite, substances your body naturally produces, to plump up your skin from the inside out.

Chemical peels help your skin shed a layer of wrinkles and age spots with the aid of a mild chemical solution to give you clearer, younger looking skin.

Laser resurfacing goes a step further and deeper, clearing away darker spots, smoothing out scars, and boosting your body’s own production of collagen and elastin.

When you’re ready to get serious about your beauty routine and want to find out if Botox and/or our other skin rejuvenating treatments can help you achieve the look you want, give us a call or book an appointment online.

Get In Touch

Raymund J. Llaurado, MD
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