Start SculpSure® Now, Be Beach Ready by Summer

As we approach the summer beach season, you’ve no doubt been eating healthfully and perfecting your exercise routine to work toward that perfect beach body. Although living a healthy lifestyle goes a long way to creating the appearance we desire, you’re not alone if you find yourself unable to reduce certain stubborn areas of excess fat.

Thanks to an advanced new treatment called SculpSure®, you now have a nonsurgical option to reduce areas of fat that won’t go away with lifestyle changes. SculpSure specialist Raymund J. Llaurado, MD, a board-certified plastic surgeon based in Santa Maria and Arroyo Grande, California, advises beginning ScultSure treatments now to look how you’d like on the beach this summer.

Keep reading to learn more about SculpSure and how it can conveniently and quickly give the beach body you desire.

What is SculpSure?

In the past, you had to undergo liposuction or other surgical procedures to reduce spots of unwanted fat. Now, with Sculpsure’s cutting edge new technology, you can get the same results with just a few simple outpatient office visits.

Using light-based laser lipolysis technology, SculpSure breaks down fat from multiple areas of the body that won’t otherwise go away, such as love handles, inner and outer thighs, upper arms, stomach, and under the chin. Dr. Llaurado works with you to determine the spots you’d most like to reduce and develops a SculpSure program customized to help you attain that perfect beach body.

Who can get SculpSure

SculpSure is a perfect solution for healthy men and women looking for a nonsurgical solution to reduce unwanted areas of fat on their bodies. You’re an ideal candidate to undergo SculpSure with Dr. Llaurado if making lifestyle changes, such as weight loss, changing your eating habits, or incorporating regular strength training or cardiovascular exercise haven’t reduced your body fat in specific areas.

How your SculpSure treatment works

Your SculpSure treatment takes place in Dr. Llaurado’s offices in Santa Maria or Arroyo Grande, CA. At the start of the procedure, Dr. Llaurado places four non-suction applicators in the areas you wish to reduce fat deposits.

Throughout your treatment, the applicators transmit light energy to destroy fat cells. At the beginning of SculpSure, you’ll feel a slight sensation of coolness, the cooling program used to keep you cool while the lasers work through the applicator. You’ll experience a minor tingling sensation at points during the pain-free treatment.

Dr. Llaurado finishes your SculpSure treatment within 25 minutes, and you can immediately resume your typical activities without any recovery time. Your body will look more sculpted and toned as your body works after the treatment to destroy more fat cells, with full results appearing in 6-12 weeks.

The biggest benefits of getting SculpSure

If you’re looking to get back your beach body by the summer, SculpSure ensures you’ll achieve your desired results in time without extreme dieting or spending long hours at the gym. You’ll achieve results after just a few outpatient treatments, and you won’t have to undergo the additional risks or longer recovery time involved in getting surgery.

To learn more about this nonsurgical method for reducing your unwanted fat, contact Dr. Llaurado’s offices in either Santa Maria or Arroyo Grande, CA using our online booking tool or by calling either practice.

Get In Touch

Raymund J. Llaurado, MD
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