Finish Off Your Weight Loss Journey With WarmSculpting™ with SculpSure®

If you just finished a comprehensive diet and exercise program but still have stubborn fat pockets that won’t go away, it can keep you from celebrating all of the weight you’ve lost. Or, you may have just noticed some visible fat accumulating in the areas where it wasn’t before. 

Either way, you’re probably frustrated with that stubborn body fat and sagging skin. As we age, we begin to store fat in areas like our abdomen, thighs, and arms that doesn’t react to diet and exercise. 

No matter your situation, you can get the figure that you’ve always desired with WarmSculpting™ treatments. These applications are quick, painless, and only require an outpatient visit at the offices of Raymund J. Llaurado M.D., where we strive to endow you with beauty and the confidence that comes with it.

What makes WarmSculpting treatments ideal

Unlike traditional cosmetic surgery, which requires anesthesia, incisions, and recovery time, a WarmSculpting treatment is noninvasive and easy. You can have the treatment performed in our office and then immediately resume your daily activities. You’ll see results in as early as six weeks after your treatment, with full results typically appearing after 12 weeks.  

How the treatment works

Dr. Llaurado uses the FDA-approved SculpSure® machine to apply precision-regulated heating plates to the area that you want to treat. The machine kills your fat cells by damaging them with controlled heat, allowing your body to dispose of them naturally. And the treatment is quite effective—a study published in Clinical, Cosmetic, and Investigational Dermatology found that just one treatment reduced visible fat by up to 25 percent

Are you a candidate for a WarmSculpting treatment?

WarmSculpting treatments are not weight loss procedures. They’re meant to eliminate stubborn pockets of vanity fat in areas that are difficult to target with diet and exercise. The best candidates for WarmSculpting treatments have a body mass index of 30 or less. The number of treatments will vary depending on your needs, but they typically range from one to four. 

If you have stubborn areas of fat that you’d like to remove, particularly in your abdominal area, thighs, and upper arms, WarmSculpting treatments could be the perfect solution for you. Call or schedule an appointment right on our website at your earliest convenience, and get your ideal beach body today. 

Get In Touch

Raymund J. Llaurado, MD
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